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ATAF 2024 Official Logo

The Acorn Tri-Campus Art Festival (ATAF) is a week-long, multi-venue art festival happening across all three campuses at the University of Toronto, led by students from various art clubs and organizations at UofT. It aims to showcase the talent of student artists across the tri-campus while also offering a space for community engagement


Throughout the festival, you will have the opportunity to explore many student art exhibitions, participate in a diverse range of art workshops, attend film screenings, watch a student theater play, celebrate student artists in a grand opening reception, and more. Whatever your interest might be, there is something to do for everyone!

ATAF is spearheaded by Gallery 1265 at UTSC, with support from Hart House Student Art Committee and UTM Department of Visual Studies Student Society. Join us in the festival to support and celebrate the creative minds and talent of UofT students! 



ATAF 2024 explores the theme of “Obstacles” through a variety of artistic mediums to understand how physical, emotional, or metaphorical challenges mould the human experience. The festival showcases student works that employ a rich visual language to convey the emotional and intellectual landscapes shaped by encounters with personal obstacles.

Traditional perceptions label obstacles as negative difficulties, but by adopting a playful and humorous approach, we redefine them as intriguing challenges, transforming the notion of overcoming obstacles into an exhilarating playground experience. Leveraging obstacles as journey of crafting own artworks, we use those as inspirations for artistic practice and fueling creativity.

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